Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Solu-Medrol Treatment for MS

I would never do this treatment outside a hospital again--it is really scary. I am weak and shaking, have lost a lot of vision, brain is often fogged up, I have lost balance and for some reason, my neck is very sore. They say it will all clear. I was glad to see the end of the intravenous bags, the stent has been removed. I was worried about taking the pills this morning, 20 Prednisone 5 mg, but I ate as much breakfast as I could and got them down. No problems. Two less pills tomorrow and so on. I should start to feel better every day and my head will clear.

Mostly I have been so wiped out, I just sleep. Cannot focus on reading or television but music keeps me in a good place. Brahms, rich, beautiful and has no ear worms in it.

CCSVI (I may have the letters out of order) Testing & Treatment is going to be difficult to get. They have stopped testing in Montreal at the request of the College of Radiologists. Barry is swamped and if I can get in, it won't be until March 2011. Trying other hospitals and universities in the US...well not me, a friend is doing it for me. When you cannot carry the load it is so good to have someone carry the things you can't. My sons and daughter-in-law have been a great support too.

I appreciate your prayers.

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